Project #12

Dual Enrollment Teacher Upskilling Pathway – MA Degrees for English High School Teachers

K-16 Collaborative is helping high school teachers pursue MA degrees so that they can teach dual-enrollment courses.

National University’s collaboration works to increase the number of high school teachers with master’s degrees who are thus eligible to teach dual enrollment coursework on high school campuses. Specifically, this program focuses on English.

In another project that supports upskilling masters for dual enrollment, National University’s project will develop a significant number of high school teachers who hold master’s degrees to teach dual enrollment coursework on high school campuses, specifically English coursework. The university will offer flexible, rigorous, online master’s degree programs that will lead current high school English teachers to be able to meet California community college minimum qualifications. 

Cohorts will include approximately 15 to 20 students going through the program simultaneously. They hope to reduce the cost of tuition through scholarships and fellowships to make the program accessible and affordable. National University sees positive outcomes of this project including accelerated career timelines for disproportionately impacted students as well as salary advancement opportunities for high school teachers.